Water is life.
In Anishinaabe culture, water is not simply something we need to survive:
it is a part of the Earth that is very much alive.

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Water covers nearly 71% of the planet’s surface.
It’s a necessity for the growth, survival and reproduction of plants, animals, and people. Water serves as a medium for transporting nutrients, minerals and oxygen throughout the human body and helps us regulate our temperatures.
It’s hard to overstate the importance of water to life on Earth. It’s also hard to overstate the importance of Lake Huron to our local communities. The sun-kissed sands, tranquil turquoise swells, and serene shorelines offer a blissful break for residents and serve as a vibrant magnet for tourism.
In Ontario, our lakes and rivers provide a reliable source of clean, fresh water, used for drinking, agriculture, and industry. Lakes and rivers are often home to diverse ecosystems and provide habitats for aquatic flora and fauna.
They play an important role in the economy as the basis for fishing and tourism industries, and by serving as commerce and trade routes.
Our lakes and rivers also have recreational, cultural and spiritual significance. They provide much-needed spaces for leisure and relaxation, and often serve as gathering places, ceremonial sites, and sources of creative inspiration.

Our Clients
We believe each client is a long term partnership

Learn more about
How has the
changing climate impacted
our lakes, rivers and streams?